Dictionary.com App

dictionary app

Dictionary.com offers a free Dictionary App that is highly recommended for users of the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. A reference material which you will likely find yourself using rather frequently as I have, it is a reliable tool for checking definitions, spelling, or simply to find an alternative word for that essay or article you are writing.

A great thing about this app is no internet connection is required to search for words, as all the nearly 2,000,000 words, definitions, synonyms and antonyms are built-in within. If it is not built-in, depending on your version, you may need to go into settings and enable offline dictionary.

Each word is shown with phonetic pronunciation and is also provided with an audio pronunciation at the tap of a button.

Users without a data plan are to note that this audio feature does require an internet connection. Internet connection is also required for daily content, voice-to-text search and spelling suggestions.

definition and thesaurus for iOS
Definition for blatant
dictionary app
Word of the Day requires internet connection

To test the dictionary, we tried typing the longest word in the English language we could think of. We were incredibly surprised to find floccinaucinihilipilification in the list!

Go ahead. Download this app and find out what it means! The speech-to-text input capture was also found to be quite accurate during our tests.

thesaurus for iphone
Thesaurus synonyms for blatant
thesaurus app
Scroll down for antonyms
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The Dictionary app, with its built-in dictionary and thesaurus, has been named as one of the top 10 apps in App Store’s High School Survival Guide, and has been voted best app for college students by US News & World Report.

The free version, downloadable from the App Store and Google Play, comes with an advertisement bar. An ad-free premium version is also available as a paid app.

However, if you find the USD2.99 too much to pay for an ad-free experience, the free version will do just fine! I purchased the paid version to remove ads as I found myself using it frequently enough to justify the cost, and got a whole suite of encyclopaedia and other reference materials offered for purchase.

Either way, the Dictionary app by Dictionary.com for iOS devices comes highly recommended.

dictionary for iphone
With accurate speech input capture, find even words like floccinaucinihilipilification!


  • reliable tool for checking definitions, spelling, or simply to find an alternative word for that essay or article you are writing
  • no internet connection is required to search for words
  • a built-in vocabulary of nearly 2,000,000 words, definitions, synonyms and antonyms
  • includes phonetic pronunciation, with clear audio pronunciation (requires internet connection) at the tap of a button
  • daily content such as word of the day; voice-to-text search and spelling suggestions (requires internet connection)
  • reliable and accurate speech-to-text input – useful when you do not know the spelling, but know how to pronounce it

The Dictionary app is available for both iOS and Android devices. To download this app, click one of the buttons below according to the device you use.



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