If you enjoyed The Elements for the iPad, you will likely be similarly impressed with Solar System for iPad. Designed with excellent graphics and a wealth of information in mind, Solar System for iPad offers hours of interactive journey into our solar system, providing a highly visual way of learning more about the planets around our Sun.
Optimised for the iPad, Solar System brings these heavenly bodies literally to your fingertips! So what can you expect from this app?

First off, over 40 objects of study which include the Sun, planets and their major moons are fully rotatable and zoomable by pinch action.
These are supported by more than 150 well-rendered pages with detailed account and information on each object, with interactive scenes, videos and 3D objects.
Users will be pleased to note that only the best images from NASA, ESA and JAXA space missions have been extracted and included in this app, and there are 600 of such images. Each of these images consists of detailed captions and technical data where applicable.

– WIRED Magazine
Solar System for iPad is authored by the leading science writer Marcus Chown, cosmology consultant to the New Scientist magazine and author of numerous science book titles.
Trust Marcus Chown to bring you credible information on celestial bodies of our Solar System, as you rise above the Sun, and work your way from Mercury to Pluto, stopping at some of the satellite moons along the way.

With an internet connection, the app is designed to connect to the Wolfram | Alpha website to extract live data, bringing you even more comprehensive information on astronomy and the cosmos. Solar System for iPad is priced at USD12.99 and is downloadable on the App Store.
- well-designed user interface
- more than 150 beautifully presented story pages
- lavishly illustrated with interactive scenes, videos and 3D objects
- over 40 rotatable and pinch-to-zoom 3D celestial objects
- over 600 selected images from the libraries of NASA, ESA and JAXA space missions
- detailed captions for every image and object
- technical data for the user with a scientific appetite
- live data from Wolfram | Alpha providing even more comprehensive astronomical information